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2011-07-05 07:20

Hi Xiadong:

Please let me know whether the abstract and short bio attached below is ok.


Joint Channel Coding and Physical-Layer Network Coding for Multi-Source Wireless Networks

In a multi-source network,network codingtechnique can avoid the transmission of redundant information and significantly boost the network throughput. To fully explore the benefits of network coding in a wireless network, the key challenge is to efficiently recover thenetwork-coded messageat an intermediate node. In this talk, we will give a brief introduction of a new technique that can efficiently tackle this challenge. This new technique is referred toas joint channel coding and physical-layer network coding(CPNC). We first use a simple example to illustrate how CPNC works, in the context of a Gaussian two-way relay channel. Then, we show some result on the CPNC from an information theoretic perspective. After that, we show some results on our developed practical CPNC schemes. Our results show that the CPNC technique allows each user to transmit at its maximum information rate, without concerning the interference from the other user. If time allows, we will briefly discuss the implementation of CPNC technique in a MIMO environment, e.g., a MIMO two-way relay channel. We will give some hints on the near-optimal communication strategy for the MIMO two-way relay channel.

Short bio

Dr. Tao Yang received Bachelor of Science degree from Beihang University, Beijing, in 2003. He received PhD degree from the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 2010. He is now with CSIRO ICT centre as a research fellow. From 2006 to 2010, he was the recipient of Australian Postgraduate Award and NICTA Research Project Award. To date, he has published about 20 articles in IEEE journals and conferences. He is the reviewer of IEEE Trans. Comm., IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., IEEE Trans. Vehi. Tech. and IEEE Jour. Select. Topic. Signal Proc.. His research interests include information theory, error control coding and iterative decoding, wireless network coding, signal processing for CDMA and MIMO systems and cooperative communications

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