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2011-10-13 09:00

报告题目:EstiNet Network Simulator and Emulator





摘要:In this talk, I will present the EstiNet network simulator and emulator (, which is the advanced and commercial version of the world-renowned NCTUns network simulator and emulator. According to the NCTUns download database, over 20,000 users from 140 countries have registered and downloaded NCTUns. In the Google Scholar database, there have been 585 research papers that use NCTUns to conduct their network research.

EstiNet uses an innovative kernel re-entering simulation methodology to provide many unique advantages over the open source network simulator ns2/ns3 and commercial network simulators such as OPNET modeler and Qualnet. Two unique capabilities enabled by this methodology are 1) Any real-world Linux-based network application can run on a node in a simulation case without modifications to generate realistic network application traffic, and 2) the real-world TCP/IP protocol stack in the Linux kernel is directly used in a simulation case to generate realistic TCP/IP traffic. These unique capabilities generate very high-fidelity simulation results and create many innovative ways of using a network simulator and emulator that are beyond most researchers’ imaginations. In this talk, I will present EstiNet and share my experiences in developing this tool in the past 12 years with the audiences.






Dr. S.Y. Wang is a Professor of the Department of Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. He received his Master and Ph.D. degree in computer science from Harvard University in 1997 and 1999, respectively. His research interests include wireless networks, Internet technologies, network simulations, and operating systems. He authors a network simulator, called NCTUns, which now is a famous tool widely used by people all over the world. More information about Dr. Wang is available at

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